Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jonah is 6 Months Old!

I can't believe it! I'm also going to say it - They grow up too fast! It feels like just yesterday I was going to the hospital for my induction and now my baby is half a year old. Now I know why you can't have just one. I am so in love with our little boy. He is such a happy baby! He laughs and giggles at everything and wants to feel and explore everything. He's also doing great with solids. He loves to eat! Jonah also gave mommy the greatest gift this week! He's been sleeping through the night for the past week! It's a good thing too because I go back to work at the end of the month! Here are some recent pictures of the Munchkin!


Carolyn said...

Your son is simply adorable! =)

Becca said...

Ahhh I love Jonahbee! He is the cutest Munch :) ever!!!!