Monday, August 10, 2009

It's been a long long time!

I'm sorry I haven't updated in like a bazillion years. Things have been super crazy. Mo and I got engaged on June 11!!! Ever since that night I've been going like a madwoman trying to plan the wedding, lose the baby weight, job hunt, and take care of Jonah.

Jonah is getting SO big. He was around 17 lbs. 15 oz. and 24 in. long at his 4 month appointment! Talk about chunky monkey! I had to buy him 9 month clothes last weekend. I am so loving this age though. Jonah just coos and laughs all day long. Anything I do makes him laugh and that makes me feel special because I often don't find myself to be a very funny person lol. It's so crazy how I love him more and more each day. I constantly think of him when he's away from me and he's always on my mind. My world revolves around this little boy and I love it. We are so blessed to have such an amazing little boy!

I hope y'all don't mind but from now on this blog might be a little Jonah and a little bit about wedding planning lol. It's hard planning a wedding with a 5 month old. I definitely know now why marriage comes first! Ehhh...I never did anything in the correct order...I like to be different haha.

Some new pics for your enjoyment :)


Nicole said...

He is so adorable! Samantha is just starting to get into the stage where she is smiling and laughing, she does it more everyday though! I love it. Good luck with all your wedding planning! I was planning our wedding when I found out I was pregnant, and it became way too much so we just went to the courthouse. I can't even imagine trying to do it while having a 5 month old! That's awesome! Congrats :)

Jessica Scarberry said...

Where did you get his cute outfits w/ his name? Love it!